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To describe day shuttle watch, say they are simple, but pay attention to. Known to provide excellent speak, they also keep the reasonable design eyes occasionally special parts.
Day shuttle watch company has more than 150 years of history for special watch in 1853 from the starting point of the humble in Le Locle, Switzerland.
A team of father and son, Charles-teferi xian card day shuttle watch and Charles amir day shuttle watch, founded the company, and to create a good work and carefully build quality watch reputation.
The company's life motto, from the traditional "innovation", and their time and not, some excellent unusual again in the design of the proof.
Since 1983, has been leading in the day shuttle watch watch the producers and distributors around the world, one of the members, these watches made in Switzerland, which make them loyal Swiss clock and watch making tradition. Their increasing popularity, causing them to open in more than 140 countries stores.
They are the first developed two time zones first pocket, when they began in 1853. They published in 1953 by "navigation," including 24 time zones.
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