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Stripe have been very popular, for a very long time. If you still feel fascinated edge, you may need to add from Botkier Morgan edge tramp.

This paragraph from circular leather handbag and plait design in the front. It exposed the entire bag around the zipper gusset plate, with tassel trimmed, until the bottom of the bag operation. It also has another hidden magnetic closed the front cover, it also reveals a spacious pocket zip.

Size of 15 × 13 by seven inches indoor prevented slippery, zip code, cell phone pocket, a pen and key ring, this Botkier handbag will keep you will because you all necessities, can be stored in it.

If you think you can still support the handbags, even if this season is coming to an end, you can buy a $675. Or, you may just want to choose a fashionable bag, will fit in quickly to warm spring season.

Greetings bag, BaBaoLi Buckleigh nylon bag production material, is perhaps the most simple maintenance. Wherever you go on holiday, it must be more for it than functional, leather and shammy bag.

For BaBaoLi bag of 195 yuan price, you'll want to purchase. It is actually made of nylon, this is also the cause of its low price. Good, the price is cheap or not, at least you have a BaBaoLi bag you with you anywhere. You can choose to have a small classiness black edition, or a stylish red.

Whatever you like, two bags have black leather decorative and contrast and the silver hardware. It every edge, and then the overall design of the leash on the pocket. Equestrian knight is the sign of the in front of subtle brand, and keep its simple design. The top of the accessories processing and ring size was about 14 1/6 by 15? X 4 1/8 ", this is enough for your fashion beach main point and whatnots.

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